Privacy Policy

The games and other activities offered on the Website and Apps are referred to in this Privacy Policy as the "Services".
Please read this Policy carefully before accessing the Website, the Apps or using our Services as it provides important information about how we collect, store, use and disclose your personal and other information when providing our Services to you or when you access the Website or Apps. You should also review the terms of use for important information about your use of the Website or Apps and our Services. TeamNeverLose Inc. Website and Apps are managed and operated by TeamNeverLose Inc. ("TeamNeverLose" or "our" or "we" or "us"). Visitors to the TeamNeverLose Website or Apps and users of the Services are referred to as "you."

1. Personal Data We Collect
TeamNeverLose collects personal data to fulfil one or more of its functions and activities, as described in this Privacy Notice.
A. Personal Data That You Share with Us
When you use our Service (whether through a social network or through TeamNeverLose directly), you may give us information directly (like when you’re setting up your account or when you contact Customer Support) such as:
• your age or birthday;
• your first and last names;
• your e-mail address;
• a password;
• other information that helps us make sure it’s you accessing your account, information necessary for us to provide the support you request, or information you provide to help us improve our Service (such as answers to an online survey or a feedback form).
When you use our Service, you can choose to create a player profile that other TeamNeverLose players can see. In your profile, you can include information like:
• a profile photo;
• game username(s);
• biographic details (like your age or age range);
• approximate location information;
• links to your profiles on various social networks;
• details about the games you play.
You can also provide us personal data directly in a number of other ways, including:
• in response to surveys or other research we conduct;
• to participate in contests and sweepstakes;
• via social media;
• by participating in group communications or chats;
• at conferences, conventions, and other events.

B. Personal Data That We Get from Others
We may collect or receive information about you from other sources like third-party applications, such as an app store, third party login service, and social networks on which you play our games. We use this information along with information you provide us directly in a number of ways as described in this Privacy Notice, for example, to help you and your friends connect or to serve you advertising more tailored to your interests.
If you play TeamNeverLose’s games or access any of our Service on connected third-party applications or connect our Service to any third-party applications, including social networks like Facebook, TeamNeverLose may receive certain information about you from the provider of the third-party application. The information we receive depends on the TeamNeverLose game you’re playing, the third-party application, your privacy settings and, if applicable, your friends’ privacy settings on that third-party application.
For example, TeamNeverLose may collect and store some or all of the following information shared by the third-party application:
• your first and last name;
• your profile picture or its URL;
• your user ID number (like your Facebook ID number), which may be linked to other information like your name and profile photo, and your friends’ identifiers;
• the user ID number and other information of your friends, like their names and profile photos;
• the login e-mail you provided to the third-party application;
• your physical location and that of the devices you use to access our Service;
• your birthday and/or age range;
• information about your activities on or through the third-party application;
• other information you have shared on the third-party application;
• any other information that you or the provider of the third-party application share with TeamNeverLose.
• If you access our Service from a third-party application or connect our Service to a third-party application, you should also read that third-party application’s Terms of Service and Privacy Notice.
If you are unclear about what information a third-party application is sharing with us, please go to the third-party application to find out more about their privacy practices.

C. Cookies and Automated Information Collection
Like many websites, TeamNeverLose, our service providers and other parties may send cookies to your device when you access or view the Service. A cookie is a small data file that is transferred to your device for record-keeping purposes. Information contained in a cookie may be linked to personal data. We use cookies for purposes such as improving the quality of TeamNeverLose’s Service, tailoring recommendations to interests, and making the Service easier to use.
Third party advertisers on the Service may also use, place, or read cookies or other technologies as described below on your device, and those practices are subject to their own policies. For more information on how you can opt-out of or disable cookies, please see the Your Rights section below.
We and our service providers may also employ other technologies including (i) web beacons, which allow us to know if a certain page was visited or whether an e-mail was opened; (ii) tracking pixels, which allow us or our advertising partners to advertise more efficiently and effectively by excluding our current players from certain promotional messages, identifying the source of a new installation or delivering ads to you on other websites; and (iii) local shared objects, also known as flash cookies, which help us to reduce fraud, remember your in-game preferences, and speed up load times.
We, our service providers, and other parties may collect the following information via cookies and other technologies:
• the type of device you are using;
• your device’s operating system and version;
• your mobile device’s identifiers, like your MAC Address, Identifier for Advertising (IDFA), and/or International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI);
• your browser type;
• your browser language;
• referring and exit pages and URLs;
• platform type;
• the number of clicks on a page or feature;
• domain names;
• landing pages;
• pages viewed and the order of those pages;
• the amount of time spent on particular pages;
• game state and the date and time of activity on our websites or games.
In some cases, we will connect this information with your social network ID or TeamNeverLose user ID.
On our Service, we may use Google Analytics or other vendors to collect information about your behavior and demographics. For more information about Google Analytics, please visit .
You can opt out of Google’s collection and processing of data by going to .

D. Information You Generate Using Our Communications Features
You may be able to take part in certain activities on our Service that let you communicate or share information with TeamNeverLose and other players. These include:
• participating in player forums and message boards;
• posting public comments to other players’ profiles or gameboards;
• sending private messages or invitations to other players, either directly on our websites or to their e-mail accounts;
• chatting with other players;
• posting photos or drawings.
You may choose to disclose information about yourself in the course of contributing player-generated content to the Service, including in its chat rooms, blogs, message boards, player “profiles” for public view or in similar forums through mobile services and/or through third-party sites or services, posting public comments to other players' profiles or gameboards, sending private messages or invitations to other players, either directly on our Service or to their e-mail accounts and posting photos. You should consider any information that you disclose in any of these forums as “public”, and you should have no expectation of privacy or confidentiality.
Additionally, you should be aware that any personal data you submit, including videos and images, can be accessed, read, watched, collected, or otherwise used by other players of these forums, and could be used to send you unsolicited messages. TeamNeverLose is not responsible for the personal data you choose to make public in any of these forums.
We may use any information you share for any purpose as described in this Privacy Notice.
Note that you should consider any information you post or otherwise share with other players through a Service or a third-party site or service as “public” and you should have no expectation that it be kept private. Please also see TeamNeverLose’s Terms of Service for further information and guidelines about posting content through our Service.
To enable some of the social features, you may be able to import your address book contacts or to manually enter them so that you can locate your contacts using the Service and invite them to join you in our games or other aspects of our Service. You are responsible for getting your contacts’ permission before you give their contact details to us. We may also get information about you from other TeamNeverLose players importing or entering their contacts.

E. Payment Information
TeamNeverLose may obtain the billing and payment information that you provide when your purchase is processed by someone else (like Facebook, Apple or Google) such as when you purchase something in a game you play on a social network or that you downloaded on your mobile device. Our Terms of Service explains our policies and terms relevant to our charges, billing practices, third-party credits and virtual currencies. If you purchase virtual currency or virtual items in a TeamNeverLose game, our third-party payment processor will collect the billing and financial information it needs to process your charges. This may include your postal address, e-mail address and financial information. TeamNeverLose does not collect or store credit card numbers. However, TeamNeverLose’s payment processors may share information with us related to your purchases. We may use this information for purposes as described in this Privacy Notice. If you would like to learn more about how we secure your information, please see Security of Your Information section below.

2. How We Use Personal Data
TeamNeverLose uses personal data for a variety of business purposes as described in this Privacy Notice, including to fulfill our contractual obligations, complete transactions you request, comply with law, and for other legitimate business purposes, such as to:
• create your game accounts and allow you to play our games;
• operate, improve, and optimize our Service and our players’ experiences, including by measuring interest in and engagement with our Service;
• process payment card and/or other financial information to facilitate your in-game purchases;
• identify and suggest connections with other TeamNeverLose players and personalize our Service to you;
• enable players to communicate with each other;
• provide technical support and respond to player inquiries;
• authenticate and/or verify individual identities;
• protect the safety and well-being of our players;
• protect TeamNeverLose's rights and property in connection with our Service;
• address technical issues and maintain and/or enhance network and information security;
• conduct audits, ensure internal quality control, and take safety precautions;
• prevent and/or prosecute fraud or potentially illegal activities and to enforce our Terms of Service;
• manage and deliver contextual and behavioral advertising;
• notify players of in-game updates, new products, content or promotional offers;
• administer rewards, surveys, sweepstakes, contests, or other promotional activities or events sponsored or managed by us or our business partners;
• comply with our legal obligations, resolve any disputes we may have with you or other players, collect any money owed us, and to enforce our agreements;
• conduct research, including by using personal data to create de-identified and/or aggregated data. De-identified and aggregated data are not personal data and we may use and share such data for any legally permissible purposes.
Your interactions with our Service may be tracked across platforms and/or devices.
In addition to the above, if you have provided your e-mail address to TeamNeverLose, we may use it to communicate with you and other players in a number of ways, including to respond to customer support inquiries; keep you and others informed of your in-game activity, comments from friends, and in-game status and promotions; and tell you about gift and neighbor requests. Some messages, like invitations for friends to join you in a game, may include your name and profile photo. We may also send promotional messages ("Promotional Communications") directly or in partnership with other parties. For more information on how you can opt-out of Promotional Communications, please see the Your Rights section below.
We may use technologies considered automated decision-making or profiling, but we will not do so in a way that has a legally significant impact on you, unless we have your consent or we are otherwise legally permitted to do so.
We may also use personal data for any other purposes communicated to you at the point of collection, or otherwise with your consent.
If you are interested in more information about online behavioral advertising and your choices to prevent third parties from delivering online behavioral web and mobile web advertising, you may visit the following websites:
United States:
•!/ or
European Union:
Be advised that these opt-out tools are provided by third parties, not TeamNeverLose, and may not be available with respect to all online advertising that is presented to you. TeamNeverLose does not control or operate these tools or the choices that advertisers and others provide through these tools. In addition, if you do not want to receive tailored in-application advertisements from third parties that relate to your interests in apps on your mobile device, you may opt-out by adjusting the ad tracking settings on your device. You can also reset the "Advertising Identifier" (like an IDFA) from your mobile device’s settings page, which will prevent continued use of existing behavioral data tied to the previous "Advertising Identifier."

3. Disclosure of Your Information
We may disclose your Personal Information to other companies and organizations. We will only do so if our partners can provide the same level of security to keep your Personal Information safe as implemented by us and if our partners can ensure that they comply with applicable laws and privacy regulations. We may share your information with the following partners:
• Market Research Agencies
• Game distribution platforms
• Co-publishing partners
• Payment providers
• Companies and external consultants that help support our platform and services
• Advertising partners and attribution platforms to help us understand the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns
Please note that our games or products may be advertised in other applications. If you click on one of these advertisements and install our game, you will become a User of our Services. To prevent fraud and verify the installation of the game, we may share your IDFA (iOS) and/or Advertiser ID (Android) with the relevant advertiser.
We may release your Personal Information when we are required to by a court order, according to law or in the event of a bankruptcy or other similar unfortunate event. We are not required to question or contest the validity of any search warrant, subpoena or other similar governmental request that we receive.
We may also share and may acquire your Personal Information with future subsidiaries or companies if we choose to sell, transfer or merge parts of our business. We will, however, only transfer the Personal Information if we must and if these companies comply with applicable privacy regulations and can guarantee that your Personal Information will be kept safe.
We will transfer your Personal Information to countries outside the EU and EEA that may not have as strict privacy legislation as where you live.

3-1. Personal information destruction procedure and method
In principle, users' personal information is destroyed without delay when the purpose of collection and use of personal information is achieved.
However, the company destroys or separately stores and manages the personal information of members who do not use the service for one year according to the 'personal information validity period system'.
The company's personal information destruction procedures and methods are as follows.

A. Destruction procedure
The information entered by the user for membership registration, etc. is transferred to a separate DB after the purpose is achieved (separate filing cabinet in the case of paper) and in accordance with the internal policy and other information protection reasons according to relevant laws (refer to retention and use period) It is destroyed after being stored for a certain period of time.
This personal information will not be used for any other purpose other than being retained unless it is required by law.

B. Destruction method
Personal information printed on paper is shredded with a shredder or destroyed through incineration.
Personal information stored in the form of an electronic file is deleted using a technical method that cannot reproduce the record.

C. Request for deletion
Stored personal information (Facebook account, Google account, etc.) is immediately destroyed when a user requests deletion.
For deletion request, please contact or
You can contact us by clicking Inquiry in the game.

4. Retention Period of Your Personal Information
We will keep your information for as long as you are a player or customer of TeamNeverLose. We may keep your information for longer for research or statistical purposes. If we do, we will make sure your information is anonymized and non-traceable to you as a person. We will also keep it for longer if we cannot delete it for legal or regulatory reasons.
We will however delete all Personal Information that is no longer necessary after a reasonable period. We will also delete Personal Information upon request.

5. Children
Our Services are not directed to children and we do not knowingly collect information from children under 13 years of age. We strongly recommend parents or guardians to instruct their children to not disclose any information when online. If you believe that we might have any information from or about a child, please contact us via our Help Center or support e-mail. In the event that we learn that we have collected Personal Information from a child, we will promptly delete it, unless we are legally obligated to retain such data. In addition, we recommend that minors under the age of 16 ask their parents for permission before sending any information about themselves to anyone over the Internet.

6. Third Party Advertising Companies
We may use third-party advertising companies to serve ads on the Services. Our system and the third-party advertising technology use information derived from Users’ activity, our cookies on your hard drive, your visits to our site, and the Services you use, to target advertising within the Services. In addition, our advertisers may use other third-party advertising technology to target advertising on our site and other sites. In the course of advertisements being served to you, a unique third-party cookie or cookies may be placed on your computer. Similarly, third-party advertising companies may provide us with pixel tags (also called “clear gifs” or “beacons”) to help manage and optimize our online advertising. Beacons enable us to recognize a browser’s cookie when a browser visits the site on which the beacon is located, and to learn which banner ads bring Users to a given site.
TeamNeverLose games or their purchase pages may display an "Offer Wall" that is hosted by a third-party provider. The offer wall allows third party advertisers to provide virtual currency or other rewards to players in exchange for interacting with an advertisement or for completing a marketing offer that may include signing up for an account with one of those advertisers. These offers are not made by TeamNeverLose. These offers may be shown to you based on certain technical information, like your geographic area or de-identified demographic information. After clicking on one of these offers, you will no longer be on a site hosted by TeamNeverLose or the social network through which you are playing TeamNeverLose's games. To properly credit player accounts and to prevent fraud, a unique identifier, in some cases your social network ID or TeamNeverLose player ID, will be shared with the Offer Wall provider.

7. Managing Your Personal Information
You have the right to access your Personal Information. This includes the right to be informed whether or not your Personal Information is being processed, what Personal Information is being processed, and the purpose of the processing. You also have a right, upon your request, to access information about any evaluation or assessment of the balancing test we are required to conduct when we process your Personal Information based on our legitimate interest. Furthermore, you have the right to rectify or add your Personal Information if such Personal Information is inaccurate or incomplete. As soon as we become aware of any inaccurate information being processed, we will always rectify such Personal Information without undue delay and notify you accordingly. If you have created a TeamNeverLose account, you can access, change and delete some of the Personal Information provided on your profile by logging into your TeamNeverLose account.

8. Your Right
A. Right to Object to the Processing of Your Personal Information
You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Information on grounds related to your particular situation. Please note however, that we must still process some of your Personal Information to provide the Services to you. This means that you cannot object to all our use of Personal Information and still require us to provide Services to you.
B. Right to Erasure
You have the right to request that we erase your Personal Information. We will erase your Personal Information upon request if it is no longer necessary for the purpose or we have a legal obligation to store Personal Information.
C. Right to Restriction
You have the right to require us to restrict our processing of your Personal Information if you contest the accuracy of your Personal Information, if the processing is unlawful but you do still not want us to erase your Personal Information, if your Personal Information is no longer needed to fulfil the purpose it was collected for or you have informed us that you do not consider us to have a legitimate interest for certain processing.
D. Right to Receive a Copy of Your Personal Information
You can access a copy of your Personal Information by logging into your TeamNeverLose account and then contact to our Customer Service via email:
E. Enforcement of Your Rights
You can contact us at any time to get a list of all the Personal Information we have collected from you or to get such Personal Information deleted or invoke your other rights as explained above. We will do our bests to answer your request in a timely manner but please note that it may take a couple of days.
Please note that if we cannot identify and guarantee who you are, we might ask you to provide us with additional information or log into your TeamNeverLose account if possible. Please note that we will not delete any Personal Information if we are unable to verify that you are their rightful owner. We will however always use our best effort to help you out.
F. Withdrawal of Your Consent and Closing Down of Your Account
You can withdraw your consent to cookies on our website at any time. Please note that such withdrawal may mean that you will no longer have access to all the functions offered by our website as explained in the COOKIES section of this Privacy Policy.
You can log into your TeamNeverLose account at any time if you want to remove it. However, we will no longer be able to provide you with certain products or Services if you do so and your game experience will be impacted. You will also lose all of your achievements by closing down your TeamNeverLose account and also lose any items or data stored on your TeamNeverLose account and any other contents stored on your TeamNeverLose account.
You can request deletion of your account information by dissociating or removing our application from your social network or third party service account in accordance with the instructions provided by the social network or third party service.

9. Security
We are very concerned with safeguarding your information. Your account information is located on a secured server behind a firewall. When you enter sensitive, we encrypt that information using with our best efforts. Because email and instant messaging are not recognized as secure communications, we request that you not send private information to us by email or instant messaging services. However, we cannot guarantee that unauthorized third parties will never be able to overcome those measures or use your Personal Information for improper purposes. We encourage you to be careful when sharing your Personal Information with other Users when you use our Services like forums or chats. TeamNeverLose will NEVER ask for your password to be sent separately or in clear text. Anyone doing so is probably trying to steal your stuff.

10. Access to and Ability to Correct Personal Information
For residents of the European Economic Area (EEA), we advise that your personal information will be transferred to and processed in the United States, which has data protection laws that are different than those in your country and may not be as protective. The United States has not sought nor received a finding of “adequacy” from the European Union under Article 45 of the GDPR.
Our legal basis for collecting and using your personal information or information is to do so with your consent; where we need the personal information for performance of a contract, or where the collection and use is in our legitimate interests and not overridden by your data protection interests or fundamental rights and freedoms. In some cases, we may also have a legal obligation to collect the personal information in question. If we collected your Personal Information with your consent, you may withdraw your consent at any time.
Residents of the EEA have the right to:
• Access your personal information;
• Delete, or request deletion of, your personal information;
• Object to or restrict processing of your Personal information;
• Request portability of your Personal information
• Complain to your local data protection authority at any time;
• Object to automated decision making; and
• Update your personal Information.
Withdrawing your consent will not affect the lawfulness of any processing we conducted prior to your withdrawal, nor will it affect processing of your Personal information conducted in reliance on lawful processing grounds other than consent.
If we ask you to provide Personal information to us to comply with a legal requirement or enter into a contract, we will inform you of this and let you know whether providing us with your Personal information is required and if not, the consequences of not sharing your personal data with us. Similarly, if we collect and use your Personal information in reliance on our or a third party's legitimate interests and those interests are not already described above, we will let you know what those legitimate interests are.
We endeavor to apply suitable safeguards to protect the privacy and security of your Personal information and to use it only consistent with your relationship with us and the practices described in this Privacy Policy. We also take steps to minimize the risk to your rights and freedoms by not collecting or storing sensitive or special categories of Personal information about you.
If you are a Canadian resident, you may withdraw consent, request information about our collection, use and disclosure of your Personal information, and request information on our policies and practices relating to disclosure of information to our service providers.
To withdraw consent or exercise these rights, please: Contact us via email at;
or Adjust your preferences through the Account preferences (if available).
California Do Not Track Disclosures
The California Online Privacy Protection Act (“CalOPPA”) requires that online privacy notices disclose how a site responds to "Do Not Track" signals ("DNT"). We currently do not honor DNT signals.
California “Shine The Light”
If you are a California resident, California Civil Code Section 1798.83 (“Shine-The-Light” law) permits you to request information regarding the disclosure of your personal information by us, or our subsidiaries or affiliates, to a third party for the third party’s direct marketing purposes. To make such a request, please contact us as provided below. Except as may be provided in this Privacy Policy, we do not trade, sell, lease or otherwise provide any personal information regarding our users to any third parties for their direct marketing purposes.
California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”)
The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) gives California consumers enhanced rights with respect to their personal information that is collected by businesses. First, California consumers may opt out of having their personal information sold to other persons or parties. Second, they can request to know: What specific pieces of information a business has collected about the consumer;
Categories of personal information it has collected about the consumer;
Categories of sources from which the personal information is collected;
Categories of personal information that the business sold or disclosed for a business purpose about the consumer;
Categories of third parties to whom the personal information was sold or disclosed for a business purpose; and
The business or commercial purpose for collecting or selling personal information.
Third, California consumers can request that a business delete personal information about the consumer that a business has collected from the consumer.
TeamNeverLose may be considered a covered business under the CCPA as it collects and processes the personal information of California consumers. This Privacy Policy provides the required notices to California consumers. The CCPA also prohibits covered businesses from providing discriminatory treatment to California consumers if they exercise their rights under the Act.
TeamNeverLose does not presently sell any personal information to third parties for any purpose.
To make a “request to know” or “request to delete” your personal information, send us an e-mail at corresponding to the app of which you are inquiring. Please put either “Request to Know” or “Request to Delete” in the subject heading of your email.
We will confirm receipt of your request within 10 business days. We must provide the requested information or delete your personal information within 45 days of receipt of your request, but we can use up to an additional 45 days if we let you know that additional time is needed.
Before responding, we must verify that the person making the request is the person about whom we have collected their personal information. Therefore, we may ask you to provide certain, limited personal information, such as your name and email address to verify and match your identity with our records and systems. If you have an account with us, we may ask that you verify your identity through our standard account authentication process. This is also to protect against fraud. We will not retain this personal information or use it for any other purpose. Also, please be advised that we need to search our records and systems only for the preceding 12 months. There may be cases where we do not have any personal information about you or we are not able to verify your identity for matching purposes. Deleting your personal information may result in the closing of your account and inability to access the Services. However, you can always re-register at any time.

11. Changes to the Privacy Notice
We may revise this Privacy Policy at any time as we may deem appropriate and consistent with the principles described herein, our evolving business needs, or changes in applicable laws or regulations. If we make any changes to this Privacy Policy, we will update the "Last updated" date below. You are advised to consult this Privacy Policy regularly for any changes, and your continued use of this Website, the Apps and our Services after such changes have been made constitutes informed consent of those changes.

If you have any concern about this Privacy Policy or our privacy practices, please email us at We will also appreciate to get feedback from you if you think that this Privacy Policy or any part of it is unclear.

Privacy Notice: Last updated April 2022